Thursday, 13 June 2013

Oracle apps MOAC setup

The Security Profiles form allows you to group together Operating Units

Define the security profile for the order management responsibility:
Navigate: HRMS Management responsibility:
  1. HRMS Manager > Security > Profile
  2. Verify that the security profile is defined for the OM responsibility.
  3. If the security profile is not yet setup, enter it and attach the operating units
  4. SAVE

The Security List Maintenance concurrent program must be run each time you add or change Security Profiles.

There are three Profile Options you need to be aware of related to Multi-Org that should be set at the Responsibility Level.

         The R12 profile option ‘MO: Security Profile’ is always evaluated first.

         The pre-R12 profile option ‘MO: Operating Unit’ still works in R12.  It is just a secondary priority being evaluated after ‘MO: Security Profile’.

         The R12 profile option ‘MO: Default Operating Unit’ sets the default Operating Unit for transactions when running under a Security Profile.

Many R12 applications modules do not work with ‘MO: Security Profile’ set for a given responsibility. 

         They must only use ‘MO: Operating Unit’.

         Some even require all three Profile Options set.

         CRM Modules
         Certain GL Drill Down Functions
(Trial and error determination of setups, no clear direction)

Now check the operating unit field in the order’s screen

Vision Operations defaults as the operating unit in the form per profile option setting for ‘OM: Default Operating Unit’ at responsibility level

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